As the sun began to set, and darkness descended on this serene little village, those who had gathered to hear the Gospel of Peace preached to them worked their way towards the front eager to be prayed over. Some with aching hearts and tears streaming down their cheeks, bowed their heads in silence, and in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who had laid down His life so that their sins maybe forgiven, their diseases healed, and they might have eternal life!
Nedunkerni is a war ravaged region in the Vanni district. Nestled deep in this township, surrounded by paddy fields is the village of Rambaikulam. Many who have made this their home, after the conclusion of the war, were once fighters who bore arms with the Separatists in their struggle for an independent Tamil State. They live in make shift dwellings and farm the surrounding lands to eke out a living. Many of them are battle-hardened Ex-combatants who have been pardoned and released by the Sri Lankan government after their rehabilitation.
These humble village folk are opening their hearts and their homes to the Gospel of Peace, proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Once they were ready and willing to lay down their lives for the Separatists’ cause. Now they have laid down their weapons and taken up the cross, and are willing to live and die for their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We had three days of meetings over the weekend, proclaimed the Gospel, and have set up a base to continue serving these impoverished people.