“JESUS NEVER FAILS” – Light shines in Mulliyavallai…click to view more…

Mulliyavalli is largely a farming settlement in the Mullaitivu district, situated on the north-eastern coast of Sri Lanka.  The village was an LTTE-controlled area, with a large military base in the district, and was the theatre of many fierce battles fought in the three decade long Sri Lankan Civil War. An eight hour drive from Batticaloa took us deep into the heartland of this once rebel held territory where once “Angels feared to tread.”

These embattled people, who had suffered heavily during the war years, received us and the Good News of Jesus Christ with an openness that I had not witnessed in any other part of the country. Many embraced the peace, joy and liberty proclaimed to them through Jesus Christ, and came forward for prayer. To many former combatants of the separatist guerrillas, the Gospel message shines as a “Beacon of Hope“, that they have openly and willingly shed their violent past in order to press forward towards a future that offers them peace and fulfillment!

We were able to witness this reality firsthand, at this Gospel rally we held there last Saturday. Our foot-soldiers labour day in and day out to help them rebuild their shattered lives from our church-base in this village. Your prayers will greatly enable us to carry out our Lord’s mandate; to serve humanity where its needs are the most acute; to comfort the comfortless, and embrace the orphans, the destitute and the outcasts. We are grateful for your past help, and look forward to your active participation in all our endeavours also in the future. God bless you.

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