“Prayer that moves mountains – NAVATKAHDU”…click to view more…

On hearing the message of Hope and Reconciliation; of healing and deliverance through the Lord Jesus Christ, people of all faiths flocked around to be prayed over.

If you have faith- the size of a mustard seed- God will do wonders for you! Jesus said “Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you know not of.” We will be going back to the village of Navatkahdu very soon. We would appreciate your prayers for these poor folk and the ministry we plan to do among them.

(Travelling across some of the most inhospitable terrains we ventured deep into the rural hinterlands of Mullaiteevu, and arrived in the village of Navatkahdu; a beautiful village where it seemed as though time had stood still!

The village of Navatkahdu had seen some of the bloodiest battles, and is situated not far from which was once the jungle hide-outs, and the one time command and control base of the slain LTTE supremo Vellupillai Prabakaran. The villagers recalled and recounted in vivid detail their harrowing experiences during the war; tales of horror and blood shed that still lay deeply etched in their memories.

Though in the nearby cities roads have been carpeted, and new buildings have sprung up, ‘Peace’ to these humble village folk still remains an “Elusive Dream”. So in April of 2016 we held a Peace rally and offered them tangible peace, real and lasting peace, through the ‘Prince of Peace’ – the Lord Jesus Christ!)

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