“THE HORSE & THE HORSELEACH” – …Click to view more….


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In the parable of the Prodigal son, the eldest son was so offended that his father had forgiven his younger brother, and taken him back into the family as his son, he refused to come inside the house! However much the father reasoned and pleaded with his older son, he wouldn’t change his mind. He stood outside and refused to have anything to do with the festivities that were going on to mark the return of his younger brother. He remained outside his father’s house! He was offended and could not be won back! Instead he even accused the father of not having done anything for him!

Shakespeare in ‘King Lear’ sounded the depths of human sorrow when faced with ingratitude. When the aged king Lear was cast out by his daughters, he wanders on the gloomy heath at night and utters these painful words to the wind and rain, thunder and lightning – “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is, To have a thankless child!, Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend, More hideous when thou show’st thee in a child”. Yes, the words and actions of an ungrateful person are sharper than a serpent’s tooth!

King Solomon tells us about the horseleach and her insatiable two daughters who only cried out for more saying ‘give, give’. They were never satisfied; they never said ‘it was enough’.

In our materialistic and mercenary world, we’ve all come across people who value you only as long as they can profit from you in some materialistic way. Like the horseleach they stick with you only as long as they can suck something out of you. The leaches clung so close to the horse and showed such affection and bonding only as long as they could suck out the horse’s life-blood! The moment they had, had their fill they fell off! How very ‘leach-like’ are some people who fall-out with you the moment they realize they can no longer scrounge nor sponge on you! They sever all connections with you once they’ve sucked out all they could from you. They even take offence with you when they can no longer ‘leach’ on you!! They not only forget the good you’ve done to them but justify their ingratitude by saying “God has brought the relationship to a close”, “God is leading us to newer pastures”. They even get their cronies to believe their well packaged lies, and get them also to sever all ties with you. The brain-dead minions who suck-up to them, and who cannot think for themselves also swallow their well crafted lies ‘hook, line and sinker’.

The leaches falling out with the horse is not going to affect the horse in any way! Be like the horse, ‘neigh’ and say ‘good riddance of bad rubbish’ and gallop away!! Don’t waste your time trying to win over offended leaches. It’ll be easier for you to take a strong city than to win over an offended leach! You’ve got places to go; you are a war-horse, and battle fields await you! You’ve been trained for war; you’ve got places to go, and kingdoms to conquer! Don’t let the legions of leaches stop you from your destiny. You are a ‘WAR HORSE’! So gallop away!!!

God bless you,
Pastor Dayalan Sanders.

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